Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tuesday Treasure

I like art on my walls..... it is a fairly eclectic choice.... but mostly with some sort of story...

This is one of my newer wall art...... My sister-in-law made this for me knowing that I love gecko's..... It is felted and I know there is an amazing amount of work in creating one of these.... so it is pretty special..... If you enlarge the picture you can see the fly that the gecko is after.....

These next ones are pictures that I remember in my Grandparents house.... if I remember rightly the story goes that Pop found them on a beach and they were supposedly off a shipwreck.....(not sure about that but it makes a good yarn!). They are painted on ceramic.... (one has a crack all the way through).
I just love those rich colours and they are such beautiful peaceful pictures....

This one is an early African scene... the artists copied off a print but the picture is actually painted on the back of the glass......

I love the colours and the relaxed family scene..

 Hubz had this print in his house when I met him..... 30 something years ago...

Thomas Baines was an English artist and explorer and did a lot of lovely pictures in Africa.
He also explored some of Australia in 1855.

This print is of the amazing Victoria Falls - "the smoke that thunders"
I have been lucky enough to spend time there - it is an amazing area.

These two pictures are painted batik's done by an artist in Uganda, where I visited whilst working on projects for orphans affected by HIV/AIDS. The artist was selling these pictures in a market on the side of the road.
The crested crane is the national bird of Uganda - the picture has faded but there is a sun behind the birds and the artist told me the birds were looked towards a better future.

I hope you have enjoyed seeing these Treasures of mine today... I'm off to Melody's House on the Hill to see what other Treasures people have found .....


Rochelle said...

Hi Fiona - finally discovered your name:-)
Your treasure are beautiful and have such wonderful memories attached to them.
I too have a very eclectic array of pictures on my walls so I really enjoy looking at yours.
Have a fabulous week.
And yes, I used the beautiful tapestry handbag of my Nan's last Sunday at my nephews christening :-)

Melody said...

Hi Fiona, What a wonderful diverse collection of treasures. Thank you so much for playing along.

Cheryll said...

What wonderful memories you have on your walls. I enjoyed looking at them with you. Thanks for sharing!
Merry Christmas.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

bubz you do have some stunning pieces..

Allie said...

I too love art on my walls, things that mean something to me. Not just art for art's sake. I love all of your treasures and the stories that go with them!

Anonymous said...

Hi Fiona, I love your Treasures today, each with their own story, and beautiful to boot. toni xxx

marina said...

what beautiful and varied styles in art. I love the Victoria falls drawing. Gorgeous.

Teresa said...

I love that every picture has a story behind it. Love them all, especially the "shipwreck" ones... Be nice if the story was true! Great treasures Fiona - all of them xx

Serenata said...

Great collection and wonderful stories behind them all. I love the gecko. Haven't posted my treasures yet ;-)

Chrissie said...

Hi Fiona, love the gecko, we have lots of the little fellows running around here, some even get in the house, which I'm told is lucky. Thanks for sharing your lovely pictures.

Anonymous said...

I can't for the life of me work out why I am on no-reply. Do you have any suggestions. I assume it has something to do with what I enter my comment as when I post it?
I don't know. I always do the Name and URL.
Thanks for letting me know - I thought I had it sorted but obviously not :-(
I will try this time to just click on reply as Google and see if that makes a difference.
Thanks again.

Crowing Moon said...

Your treasures are beautiful. I especially love your beach found pics!!
To Rochelle's comment above if you go into your dashboard next to your profile pic it has a list of edit options. Click on edit profile and when the page comes up there will be a list of boxes to tick. Click on the show my email box and then go all the way to the bottom of the page and click save. That will let people reply to you :)

Bev C said...

Hello Fiona,

I would love to visit your home and see your art in person. Thanks for the history behind each piece. Enjoyed viewing them.
Happy days.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bubz,
Thanks Wickedly Divine -
You know I have looked at that and looked at that and thought to myself - nah, that can't be it. All done now :-)
I think I left it that way so I would get all comments through my blog but that's cool.
Hope that helps and thank you both very much :-)

Janice said...

You have an amazing variety of art. I think that the pictures on our walls should have a story behind them. It makes them so much more special.

NessaKnits said...

I like to think those paintings on porcelain DID come off a shipwreck and right into loving hands!

Sheila said...

Very interesting pieces of art , loved them all especially the story about the art that possibly came from a ship wreck that would be so neat if it is true .Thanks for sharing .

Scented Sweetpeas said...

ooh I love geckos too, such cute animals.

Janet said...

I also have lots of art pieces. So interesting to see yours and hear the stories of where they come from. Such a fun eclectic mix.

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