Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Treasure Tuesday and Early Bird Christmas Crafting

Clare has invited us to join Treasure Tuesday where we can share about treasures we have.....

These special treasures are my family of ducks. My Mum & Dad loved them and they were always displayed in a prominent place wherever we lived. They have had quite a traumatic life, having moved from UK to join my parents, survived countless moves, they lived through a mortar bomb attack (1960/70's Zimbabwean Independence War). You can see they all have permanent injuries - one even broke his neck!. Mum saved them, of course, and nursed them back as best she could. When Mum passed on I had to rescue them from the big bad tipper truck that was going to have them for dinner.... They were carefully wrapped and came to Australia to live with us, where they are safe and happily retired.

I love to have all my ducks in a row and these little fellows remind me it is not always possible for everything to go right, and sometimes we have cracks and pains in our lives, but we can still stand tall.....

This week I joined up for Early Bird Christmas Crafting with Judith who has so many ideas. I am starting a bit late but I did make a journal...... I found a tutorial in blogland (of course). Bloom has lots of ideas and clear instructions and it really is nice and easy. If you want to see how it is done go HERE.
Simple, but elegant I think........ for noting down thoughts and ideas for Christmas goodies?

Lots of people responded to my last blog (thanks) and the consensus seems to be that it is fine to mention others so long as designers are mentioned and the links to their blogs are made - best to get permission before using personal pictures. Most people reply to comments, some prefer to visit and leave a comment - it seems the idea is to maintain contact. Chookieblue gave some great ideas for new bloggers yesterday - she also has some very useful blogging "how-to" tutorials..... and she has a really fun blog..........

Grandie#3 has now grown out of lots of those cute little clothes so I am making them into a cuddle quilt???
This is where we are up to now.....

Not pretty..... in this case my ducks are not in a row - I'd better get to work!
From me to you........... happy thoughts


1 Daffycat said...

*squee* I love your ducks! They are just awesome ~ I'm so glad you saved them from the tip!

2 Fee said...

Your ducks and story are lovely. What agreat idea to make a quilt out of her outgrown clothes - Loking forward to seeing it finished.

Hugs - Fee XXX

3 Unknown said...

I love your ducks ! If only I could get mine in a row too ! Thanks for playing along .

4 Maria said...

I really enjoyed your post about those gorgeous ducks. How true about the cracks and life not always being perfect.
What a great idea to make a cuddle rug out of your GS's old clothes. Will be lovely and soft and he'll love it.

5 Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Your ducks are very cute and it seems they have seen the world...LOL....your journal cover looks great, and Bloom is such a talented lady...

6 manda said...

What Qute Quackers! I love duckies in a row, sooo cute! And quite a journey they've had too, which makes them just more wonderful!
Looks like a big job ahead, making a throw. You better get quacking!

7 Sue said...

I love your ducks. Are they Indian Runners? My favourite type of duck but oh so flighty!

8 Joy said...

Just love your gawjus ducks, and what a fabulous story behind them too :o). Now get cracking on that quilt he he he.
Joy :o)

9 Teresa said...

Loved your post about your ducks and they are really wonderful. I have a basket full of my sons t-shirts (even as far back as when they were babies) just waiting to be made into a quilt ... one day! Thanks for sharing your treasures xx

10 Sheila said...

What an interesting story about your lovely ducks , I am glad you rescued them and now have them in your home to enjoy and pass on to the next generation.I think your cuddle quilt is a marvelous idea and I am sure it will be much appreciated.Have a great day .Sheila

11 Liz said...

what a great "treasure" and so many memories to go with it. Wonderful

12 Bec said...

your journal is simple but elegant, love it!
Looking forward to seeing the cuddle quilt progress!

13 Joy McD said...

Welcome to blogland :) And I love your duckies too! They are very sweet...
A cuddle quilt sounds like a great idea! I have been keeping my boys' t-shirts and want to make them a quilt one day... one day.. .one day... :)

14 rozhearts said...

I too love your ducks all in a row and a great story to go with them. I think this great idea of Clare's to share our treasures is just wonderful. Takes us back to things that we have always treasured but don't often think about.
Thanks for sharing and for your comments on my blog. I really do appreciate them.
(((HUGS))) Roz.

15 Kat O.K. said...

What wonderful ducks. They are so well traveled and have such a story to tell. We all have our cracks and scars and they can help us to tell our own stories--even if it is just survived.

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